Love is illusive. Abbey told me--- he once fell in love with a dress It was love at first sight when I met my wife and her shoes. The other day--- I was nearly done in by a haircut.
Nancy says men are such fragile creatures. I tend to think she’s right. Especially on dark nights--- when she holds and anchors me as I wander the world of dreams.
At this particular moment in time. Lost, I try to reach out, not knowing your name or who you are Lost, I see you as one of many, absorbed into those who have been here before.
Last night while doing those things neither done in public nor in the privacy of ones home I became acutely aware of my hum drum day to day quality of existence.
At cocktail parties people ask me what I do.
I used to tell them I am an architect. The reaction of the women was astounding. I Would go home and thank my lucky stars--- and Ayn Rand.
These days, however I’m not so sure. I’ve sort of done a mental shift, so I answer vaguely jjust hanging out - or I speak of my latest interests --- sometimes there's no stopping me.
The way I figure, I’m either expanding my consciousness or going through an identity crisis. Depends on where you are coming from.
Most people relate to me iin terms of them- selves. So take your pick. - it might be all or none of the above.
Regardless, Muktananda says I am the self.
Last night I saw her, old, for the first time.
An orange dress with horizontal white stripes, accentuated, the loss of shape.
Oh my mother should know better.
A moment of silence ---------------------------
For all those souls not immortalized by a New York Times obituary.
Someone once said: One may move so well that a foot print never shows.
Kati you lived with me for six months and I never let you unpack your bags.
In the fog you showed us the trees, draped with burlap, as beings from another plane, and we were transported!
One day, upon looking into your eyes, all the women I had ever loved appeared. I saw a creature - ageless and naked as an animal. I was in the depths of your being; Frightened, --- I had to leave!
After you’d gone I began thinking you an illusion. You lived a fantasy--- our name, accent, origins, --- all were invention. Now years later I know; You were more real than I could ever be.
Limited communications: Helen of (cosmopolitan) Troy llaunches one thousand ships.
Progress: Mass media masturbator of men’s minds motivates one million men to manipulate their penises upon a monthly maidens centerfold harnessing enough energy, enough energy, enough energy, to send a man to the moon
Permutations of past and future imposing upon the present.
Only if if only only if if only only if only if only if.
Only if if only only if if only if only if only if only.
If only only if If only only if if only if only if only.
If only only if If only only If only if only if only if.
Only only if only only if only if only if only if.
Only only if only only if if only if only if only.
If if only if if only if only if only if only.
If if only if if only only if only if only if.
Poem with two voices
1 At the tax office
2 He was told he couldn’t deduct his mother
1 She was seventy six
2 He was told
1 and lived in Russia
2 He couldn’t
1 on a small pension
2 deduct his mother
1 He sent her money
2 He was told
1 She was not an American
2 he couldn’t
1 She was his mother
2 deduct his mother
1 He would never see her again.
July 24, I want everything, everyone, everywhere, whenever I choose.
I dream................. a magic machine, to see anything, anyone, anywhere, anytime I choose
One never enters the same river twice.
I mourn (for myself) as each moment I die little by little in increments over time so slowly I don’t even know it’s happening.
I rejoice for as I die I am released from the past so I can move toward the light and (my) final renewal.
Who knows where I’ll wind up.
An old fish swimming as usual upstream, or floating blissfully with the current?
Maybe I’ll take the bait, or perhaps I’ll simply sit back and watch the worms wriggling on the hook.
I could go either way.
We’ll just have to wait and see what happens.
I ride the metal monster to work in a pool of perspiration. The crushing noise forces me to write louder. Can you hear me!
We sit in silence in this growling monster papered with hemorrhoid tabloids.
Cures which cause disease.
Vistas of sunny lands lobotomies of the mind.
People crying out with scribbled names and street numbers.
“I am” in this world of monsters.
“Could you please turn your radio lower”
“ Fuck you - move”
Each day I maintain my body, only to find the sea once more at my sand castle.
We are closer than you think, not even a breath apart.
People share air as fish share water
Would you drink the water a stranger spit out?
A fish does not get upset at this idea.
As the age of the BIG BANG theory approaches our edges of existence everything accelerates manifesting as fear of death and time equals money.
Our lives of inundation are eaten by useless information imagined by minds running amuck.
Deluded into thinking by naming, the unknowable is known; not knowing knowing is knowing and beyond mind.
Brainwashed science junkies, hoping to live forever; cutting out the bad parts, hooked on pills, and transplanting our way to eternity while taking better care of our cars than ourselves.
For those who remember, before the BIG BANG, there was ‘no bang’ and real leisure time.
Stay centered or time and quality
Other peoples lives often sound more exciting than our own; condensed into two hours they are exotic. In reality they have their moments, days, years, where nothing seems to be happening.
Yet it is the little moments of nothing where everything occurs.
Romance, always past or future cannot exist unless you’re present.
Unedited, life appears boring; it cannot endure as a book or movie; only insomniacs would pay to watch.
Accomplishments. titles, and labels, seem infinitely more interesting than they really are.
John asked me if I practiced austerities.
According to Roman law, Yamasakis’ son should be sentenced to spend the rest of his days wandering the twin towers of the World Trade Center.
Five days a week I ride in a metal box lined with marble, (a kinetic coffin) sixty four floors to a place with windows that don’t open and mullions spaced so you can’t fall out or jump.
The sun becomes secondary as I enter a fluorescent world filled with stale recycled air, and white noise that subdues the silence.
Isolated in an eight by eight foot cubicle, an illiterate intellectual, I sit at my de(ath)sk watching the world go by (buy); a Sisyphus pushing papers from in box to out box.
In order to survive, I tell myself t might have been worse; I could have wound up in someone else’s poem.
What begins must end, though in reality it never started.
We’ve been doing this dance forever, so just for the record, and Cole Porter, The Beguine never began.
Static. Beginnings and endings, fixed pockets in time, where we get stuck in the mind.
Where do you go when you dream? Where do you go when you die? Where do you go while you're alive?
Life is in the between, flowing, with endings beginning and beginnings ending side by side.
Remember, we’re all on this path together, each within our own width, waiting for a free ride.
So let go to maintain momentum, while not over minding this creation of Oz.
I often sit, in the control booth of my body, orchestrating various parts while planning my life.
Sometimes, at these times, I wonder, can I change; have I changed; and who am I?
There have been times I’ve been fooled into thinking I’ve changed by changing externals.
Obviously, like it or not, this body changes, and, to some extent, it can be consciously changed; but do I change?
Am I not the same from the time I cannot remember before I was born; and won’t I be the same when this body is no more.
What about the times I am startled by a voice, from another body, under a similar spell, speaking to me in ways which do not mirror the image I have of myself.
Occasionally, there’s a part of me that feels alone ashamed, unloved, uncertain.
Again, this is not who I am, nor can ti ever affect me.
Now the question is, where is, the control booth?
Sometimes it’s in my heart, sometimes, my head, other times, my belly, or my loins.
I realize the more I sit in my heart, the more in touch I am with who I am.
I know I do not change; I cannot change, no matter how hard I try. I can only surrender allowing myself to be the One I truly am.
Penetrate appearances, where there is no other, and you will find God.
Enter the space between the breaths, where there is no other, and you will find God.
Love yourself where there is no other, and you will find God.
Be aware of sameness, where there is no other, and you will find God.
Above all, help those in need, where there is no other, and you will find God.
Remember, the secret is there is no other; there is only God.
If we drink Canada dry what will they do?
Advertising, where rewrites make wrong.
I’m confused;
Did Jesus walk on soda?
Moses part the Pep Sea?
Columbus snort Coca Cola; or was that you and me?
What ever happened to H20 and Diet Water?
Didn’t the doctors say it‘s no good for your aorta?
My cat Ufo only drinks P u r r r i e r !
We easily learn to parrot from parrots, accepting opinions and news for knowledge; lost in rituals and prejudice we gather facts which tend to change with change, and collect Information which makes no difference in the why of the why we are here.
To remain round, we must search with and within our hearts for the truth and oneness of our souls, ever watchful of being invaded and violated by the density of righteousness and dogma as we face flatness with the fourth dimension of love.
Remember when the earth was flat; don’t be so sure it was before your time, as each age has its own form of flatness.
What need we know of this world and of this time, for in its essence it is no different than any other.
We are born round, slowly gathering invisible edges, shaped and subdued by gravity, and those who have been flattened before us.
We traveled west, translucent, in a white wagon, painting the clouds on our way, unknowingly mooed by cows with Martian green eyes in the valleys of the dark night, while climbing hills and scattering our youth in the dusk.
When we arrived, it was time to leave, and riding a rainbow into luminescence we departed.
Never to be seen again. Never to be seen. Never to be. Never.
Have you ever wondered why you’ve chosen to incarnate at this particular time and place in space. Under such peculiar circumstances with these strange people and pets?
How often in the past, and won’t you, in the future ask “Why have I come back again?”
And haven’t you promised yourself never to return so why are you here again?
Did you forget something? We always do once we’re here.
Did you bring it with you and will you share it, or just forget about it?
Business as usual... and you’ll be back again.?
Knowingly and unknowingly I’ve accumulated baggage.
There’s a weight limit on the return trip, Zero... with no exception, and if you smuggle mental stuff, back it comes next time around.
I think it’s time to unpack and live because I’m on standby!
Fifty five years ago I arrived empty handed, not recalling other times, an affliction common to man: Alzheimer’s of past lives.
What happened to my itinerary, the stuff I came to work out, and souvenirs of what and for who?
I soon lost track of earth time; and birthdays, which began in celebration of arrival became signals for departure. Youth never believes in round trip tickets.
Do you recycle the garbage of your mind into the collective un - consciousness?
GMF, Garbage Mind Frequency, broadcast by media and people’s 'should have done’s and didn’t do’s.’
Dumping nonstop nonsense, instant replays of fear and worry defying reality; blow by blow anxiety imaginings of no importance or interest in the ultimate scheme of things; energy drainers, obstructing freedom and forming toxic waste.
Obviously I could go on and on and on, however, no one wants to step in mental excrement, no matter how fertile it is.
Poets are often eaten alive; their flesh can be quite tender.
At one time I ate dead bodies with the best of them, never fully understanding the implications and the pain of how they arrived at my table.
Then one day the desire to eat empty houses of souls who have left or been forced to evacuate, was gone.
What to do?
With no effort, not knowing how or why; just as some people no longer wish to work, brush their teeth, exercise, or swim in the sea in dead of winter, my desire left me.
What to do?
I imagine human beings as quite tasty and would just as soon eat a cow, a cat, a dog, a pig, as a poet.
Sometimes I wake up in a cold sweat to the sounds of vegetables screaming!
What to do?
I’ve spent a great part of my life waiting, not fully fitting in, for something to happen.
Always in the future, hardly ever present to the present, fixating on fantasies, not comprehending the world in which I pitched my tent; invariably with the feeling of being passed by, and an inkling of just around the corner, and how things should be.
It was not until I met him that the defenses of my being crumbled and I opened to the flowers of life.
Don’t be fooled, no one has it easy; there are lessons we're here to learn.
Saints, like everyone else are formed by life; only they merge with the river, whereas the rest of us think we can modify the current.
That’s all well and good, but how can I become one of them?
I know what to do; still it doesn’t happen.
It’s this fear of letting go and of losing it.
I need to drink the Saints Cocktail: a leap of faith mixed with grace and hold the mind.
Yes it’s true. I’ve heard whispers, and there’s always room for rumors.
You say I write a good game, all this holy crap; you’ve seen me in action, and I don’t always do as I should, and you heard about.....
Do you know how this makes me feel?
God knows I try.
Please remember I’m only a poet saint in training
Word has it that everything is God.
If this is true do you realize the consequences of what this means and could lead to?
My God!
It’s like we’re walking down the street and we ask directions: and it’s God talking to God!
Everyone and everything is God!
The street, our clothes, the air, our word, is God!
Thank God!
Someone is walking his doG, His God backwards and we step in God!
Holy shit!
I close my eyes in contemplation. Tears. Silence. Love. Meeting Him changed my life.
Do you know what I’m sayin?
Language just gets in the way.
I’m sayin what I’m sayin That’s what I’m sayin.
It bothers me that no one can ever know me,
I’m sayin what I’m sayin. That’s what I’m sayin. You know what I’m sayin?
and to what extent I am understood is unknown to me.
Do you know what I’m sayin? I’m sayin what I’m sayin. That’s what I’m sayin. You know what I’m sayin?
Language really gets in the way,
You know what I’m sayin. Do you know what I’m sayin? I’m sayin what I’m sayin. That’s what I’m sayin. You know what I’m sayin?
and media adds to the confusion.
I’m sayin what I’m sayin. That’s what I’m sayin. You know what I’m sayin? I’m sayin what I’m sayin. That’s what I’m sayin. I’m sayin that’s what I’m sayin.
No one listens.
I’m sayin what I’m sayin. That’s what I’m sayin. You know what I’m sayin? I’m sayin what I’m sayin. That’s what I’m sayin. I’m sayin that’s what I’m sayin. Do you know what I’m sayin?
There’s this fear.
That’s what I’m sayin. I’m sayin what I’m sayin. That’s what I’m sayin. You know what I’m sayin? You know what I’m sayin? I’m sayin what I’m sayin. That’s what I’m sayin. You know what I’m sayin?
I’m sayin let’s stop sayin, and share the silence of love.
My mother left me October 6, 1993 6:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Death is so matter of fact. It just happens, so nonchalant, a finality on earth.
She was here; now she is gone. Something’s missing from my life and can never be replaced.
Nothing can be said; nothing can be done. For all the mundane, we were deeply connected.
Love exists in another place, at another level, in no time.
Death leaves tears of sadness. My only hope is to bathe in the grace of your love.
And then one day you will be no more.
Effaced from the face of the earth.
You will be no more.
One day you will b no more.
One day.
Some day.
Tomorrow will be today for sure, and I will be no more.
Dead. Erased. Effaced.
Embraced by earth.
No more.
The vessel shatters.
Etherial, flying, floating.
Whirling, whorling, weightless.
Neither coming nor becoming.
Tossed out of time.
No longer breathing, eating, thinking, shitting.
Shifting softly, sailing, soaring.
No more waiting, watching, wondering.
Luminescent void.
All and nothing everywhere.
If blind people can see the inner light.
And deaf people can hear the inner sound.
How can you who have everything not embrace God?
From the moment we are born life is going, going, gone.
Who were you?
Why were you?
What were you?
In fifty words or less were you?
Did you go poof, or did you leave proof for others to clean up after you?
In silence I am free from the world of this dream.
You are the sun. I am your moon, full with reflection.
I am alive!
Your love, the flame in my heart, will burn forever and ever.
Dissolve into nothingness and you are everything.
Disappear If you can.
Evaporate! Disintegrate! Burn!
Fire Water Ether Dust
Become a star
if you must.
Better to live in the time you live rather than live a lie.
According to fortune cookie philosophy, Confucius says: May you live in in- ter- est- ing times.
Confusing saying What?
Makes no sense. Utter non sense!
Facetious fortune cookie lose something in trans- lat- ion?
Boring people may seem to be, but never boring times.
Remember there’s always some thing hap- pen- ing inside.
When we come from our heart we know what to do.
There is no need for talk.
There is no need.
Talk is from the mind.
It breeds separation.
Relationships are from the mind.
We don’t know what to do.
Let’s talk about it.
Is our relationship going where we want it to go?
Talk about it.
Or is it in trouble?
Let’s talk.
I know ! We’ll start over as though nothing had ever happened.
Great idea! When do you want to start ?
The End
Now is for a moment and yet it is always now.
Constantly changing, now can never be again and never was before.
Now is now.
Not now is not now and of the mind.
History and dreams are not now and separate usfrom our selves.
Within the unmoving center of now resides the stuff of everything known as God.
Maybe I’ll take a verbal fling.
Maybe I’ll go for broke.
Maybe I’ll move into another state, and merge with God
Everyone knows a cloud can never attach itself to the earth no matter how hard it tries, and a mountain can never float in the sea or the heavens for all it’s desire.
So why do we insist on pissing into the wind when we can reach God by simply turning around?
Isn’t it odd?
If something cmes in a dream we say wow!, wonder of wonders!, and accept it as a sign from above and as being revealed;
Isn’t it true?
And have you ever wondered why we deny all that we are and all that we have in this so called waking state?
The dilemma is:
Am I Chuang Tzu dreaming I’m a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming I’m Chuang Tzu ?
Don’t you know? It’s really so simple.
Chuang Tzu, the butterfly, you and I, all are God.