Heaven Series

This series is based on the attributes of the Earlier Heaven and Later Heaven arrangement of the Bagua (eight trigrams). Heaven (Yang - blue), Earth (Yin - deep yellow), Water (Yang - deep blue), Fire (Yin - red), Wind/Wood (Yin - orange), Thunder (Yang - green), Lake (Yin - turquoise), Mountain (purple - Yang). White and gold represent Yang. Black and silver represent Yin.

The Earlier Heaven arrangement is organized on opposing forces - stasis - equilibrium, with Heaven above, Earth below.

Transition represents the change from static balance to motion - "The Big Bang." The Later Heaven arrangement is expansive and cyclic with Earth above, Heaven below. All Yin trigrams are on top, all Yang trigrams on the bottom, the imbalance giving rise to constant change.

All paintings 18* x 18" acrylic on masonite, 2012 - 2013

IMG1220 IMG1223


Earlier Heaven 1

Transition 1

Later Heaven 1

IMG1214 IMG1211 IMG1208


Earlier Heaven 2

Transition 2

Later Heaven 2

IMG2122 IMG1193 IMG1196


Earlier Heaven 3

Transition 3

Later Heaven 3

IMG1292 IMG20761 IMG2097


Earlier Heaven 4

Transition 4

Later Heaven 4

IMG21401 IMG1202 IMG1205


Earlier Heaven 5

Transition 5

Later Heaven 5

IMG1232 IMG1229 IMG1226


Earlier Heaven 6

Transition 6

Later Heaven 6

IMG2189 IMG2175 IMG1250


Earlier Heaven 7

Transition 7

Later Heaven 7

IMG1241 IMG1238 IMG1235


Earlier Heaven 8

Transition 8

Later Heaven 8

IMG1253 IMG1256 IMG1259


Earlier Heaven 9

Transition 9

Later Heaven 9

IMG1286 IMG1283 IMG1280


Earlier Heaven 10

Transition 10

Later Heaven 10

IMG1262 IMG1265 IMG1268


Earlier Heaven 11

Transition 11

Later Heaven 11

IMG1457 IMG1450 IMG1348


Earlier Heaven 12

Transition 12

Later Heaven 12

The Eight Phases of Yin and Yang



Earlier Heaven,
Eight Phases of Yin and Yang, 2014
acrylic on canvas, 42" x 42"

Later Heaven,
Eight Phases of Yin and Yang, 2014
acrylic on canvas, 42" x 42"

Earlier Heaven and Later Heaven
Eight Phases of Yin and Yang, 2014
acrylic on canvas, 42" x 42"

64 Changes of Yin and Yang

IMG3990 IMG3962


64 Changes of Yin and Yang - 2
acrylic on canvas 24" x 24'

64 Changes of Yin and Yang - 3 2015
acrylic on canvas 24" x24"

64 Chages of Yin and Yang - 1 2015
acrylic on canvas 24' x 24"

64 Chnges of Yin and Yang - 4
acrylic on canvas 24" x 24"

Heaven Inspired by Shao Yong




Houtian (Later Heaven)
Inspired by Shao Yong, 2016
acrylic on canvas, 42" x 42"

Xiantian (Earlier Heaven)
Inspired by Shao Yong, 2016
acrylic on canvas ,42" x 42"