Poetry 2
All that is, is the body of God. All that is, All that is not, is God. Sentient, insentient, finite, infinite, nothing superior, nothing inferior.
Thou art That; That art Thou. Tao art That; That art Tao. Tao art Thou; Thou art Tao.
Oats art Tao. Tao art oaTs; oaTs art That, and Thou.
Mares eat oats, and Thou eat doe’s, and little lambs eat ivy, That’ll eat a kid too, wouldn’t you? I don’t Tao it.
Oats, lambs, kids, and ivy too, are That, Tao, Thou, and you, recycled.
Eat the oaTs; eat the Tao.
Sow your wild Tao. Be oaTs; be Tao. Be.
That, Tao, Thou, is All.
You need to know.
Animals kill for food not fashion; humans, on the other hand, profess while they mess up the world; cruel, blind, unkind, filled with fright, and narrow mind; inhibited, stuck in ritual, religion, opinion, self destructing, destroying Earth, animals, children.
Lucky rabbits foot, unlucky rabbit. Sharks would live longer if they were prone to cancer.
Some say God is mans best friend; a dog might disagree, and perhaps a cat or two.
A parakeet, an elephant, a kangaroo, a teddy bear, a hamster a zebra in fact, the whole zoo, have love, trust, and affection, without discrimination to deed, race, color, or creed.
Now a cow, a snake, a fish, a tiger, or a pig might squeal, about how they’re tortured, beaten, hunted, worn, and eaten.
So what can an animal do, but forgive, and live, and give love, with no regret, while sustaining strong belief inkarma.
It takes a lot of energy to polish the trophies of life;
Death appropriates them anyway.
Better to anoint your Self with “who am I?”. Bathe in Gods light, become liquid,luminous, ablaze with love.
When Death comes who will he claim?
Die, it is set. Destiny.
Sure, surrender, end, under.
Deceased, cease, dead, ease.
Goddess. God. Dog. Sod.
Mother, moth, hot, home.
Earth, father, heart, her.
Trifle, life, if, lie.
Death, eat, heat.
Decompose, cope, depose.
Bode, goodbye. Body, good- bye.
Corpse. Rose
There’s more to me than meets the eye. I am all that is, was, and ever will be; the observer, andthe observed.
I am everywhere; invisible, silent, veiled, as light in day, dark in night, blue in sky, green in grass.
Intellects with machines of science, think they can possess me, make me perceptible, perceivable, explainable, containable, document me on tape
Scientists merely appear to peel away layers, to catch my secret.
I accommodate all theories; for some I am only in special places, for others I don’t exist.
To find me, go within your heart; meditate and know I am everywhere.
Silence. Soft thick, deep, dark, deliberate. Born in the interval of in breath and out breath, where mind - thought ends.
Centered, still, steady, full, before beginning, without end.
Idea, preceding ‘I’. Abysmal, infinite. A mirror without reflection, empty canvas, whiteness of paper enveloping a poem.
Peaceful, pregnant, profound. Music of twilight and dawn.
Knowing, watching, waiting, being.
He watched me come. Memories are like catching clouds on a summer’s day.
As I approach the age of my father’s death I remember his final moments, my hand holding his finger like I did as a child.
I watched him go, like catching clouds on a summer’s day.
The moon can be seen in light of day; the sun, never at night.
I can’t recall the first time I saw the sun set, it’s light reflected in the moon of night, or the moon vanish, with stars fading light into light.
As the wind, I could follow the sun, and never let it set, or choose to live in reflected light, by chasing the moon.
The mountains tell me be still; have it all.
My friends, the clouds, gather in celebration, to keep me company until I die.
Could have. Would have. Should have. Why didn’t I?
Don’t drown in the river of regrets, or build a dam of discontent.
Next time is never this time.
Keep moving.
Death is here.
They’re gone They have nothing more to tell me.
I knew the secret of the cloud I plagiarized their poetry, made off with myths, annexed allegory, accumulated cumulus, imagining iit was mine.
Now they’re gone. My capricious clouds are gone; poems no longer pass my way; fog fills the void.
My gods are gone. How can I invoke my muse to mesmerize and amuse? I will dance and transcribe iif they do.
I’m not a who in Who’s Who. Are you? They want us to buy the book you know.
How fleeting to be famous, how empty like a mirror, to focus on the surface rather than being interior.
Celebrity may expire with you, or endure in deeds you did not do.
No thank you; I’d rather be in God’s book, unknown, a cipher contemplating the koan: Who am I?
The earth is neither flat, nor round; it is God.
Truth and belief rarely coincide.
I heard the sound of one hand clapping, of ‘why am I here?’ of 'who am I?’
There were no weeds. No us. No them. No you. No I.
Only fullness of the void.
Joseph just suppose Mary’s immaculate.
Bris Baby pictures. Bar Mitzvah
Messiah I am the same as he.
Jewcifix. Refrigerator. Traif.
How was he to know what would be done in his name.
A shame he didn’t keep kosher.
Time seems of the essence, whereas quintessence is beyond time.
Pyramids return sand to the dessert; mountains boil up under water; oceans of stars burn in the void.
This house, soon to be ashes, will vanish.
We flicker and are gone.
The ultimate illusion: Being right side up.
Figures affixed feet down to a ball project at varying degrees of upside downness, and right side upness, none being parallel.
Without gravity I might fall from the Earth into a sea of dreams, or float head down upside down in the clouds, or perhaps project perpendicular from the Earth for all to see as they pass by in their gravity suits of skin, body fluids, and bone.
Life was easy when Earth was flat; we were all right side up, save those in hell hanging underneath by their feet.
Space ships, viewing earth, always look down, never seeing the sea as being above, or mountains as suspended.
Why does right side up and upside down seem the same?
Perhaps we take turns being upside down while asleep, dreaming right side up dreams.
Relativity speaking it’s the other guy, on the other side of the world, who’s diametrically opposed.
No matter, gravity is the glue that keeps us grounded.
We’ve been misinformed; there are no parallel people.
Quarks are up down strange charm bottom top, colored red blue green; anti quarks anti red, anti blue, anti green.
According to the quirks of quarks, one’s point of view affects the outcome, and is directly related to the plague of no problem, mutant virus of manana syndrome, running rampant in society.
Don’t worry. I’ll be there. Count on me. All’s fine. No problem.
Wave particle theory sheds light on matter. Quarks inferred not seen, are implied by black holes in the brain.
No problem - for me. Not my problem. Your problem.
Relativity speaking, problem is both wave and particle. My- the subject - wave, your - the object-particle, therefore no problem yes problem, quark anti quark, matter anti matter.
Consider Chaos theory, dangerous opportunity relating hard science to social processes, thus the flapping of a mouth in Macao, can affect the course of life in Louisiana, creating changing relationships between order and disorder, non linear acts in which we cannot predict outcomes with certainty.
The language of anti quarks precipitates unpredictable anti social behavior.
Our problem.
Seemingly super symmetrical String, theory of everything, ties up loose ends, places the four fundamental forces of nature on equal footing, shows space time to be approximate perception, explains gravitational interactions naturally, indicates ten dimensions, six too dense to distinguish, and is concerned with higher dimensional objects generically termed p-branes, bringing us full circle to the plague of no problem.
Finally M Theory, a new eleven dimension notion, exact formulation not yet known, should contain membranes and 5-branes leading scientists to conclud there’s only one unique quantum theory after all.
God has no problems.
All there is is now, forever changing, forever now.
Permanence, nonsense created by man in a world of perpetual motion.
Dark defines light, as death devours life.
There’s no escape.
Most likely, anti-belief in imminent death chemicals continuously released in the brain explains elemental attitudes toward non belief in impending expiration.
Looking back a blur, zero to sixty in ten seconds; memories that never were me’s not to be, my time this time more than half gone.
Too secret to sense seen only n retrospect, I am this sum of subtle seeds sown in the garden of life; one never knows what will flower with time.
God failed to follow my plan.
Of course I considered immortality, however, it’s not an option, a wasted wish, bodies are born to decay, souls to travel on, they say.
My birthday wish: to be heroic, alive with intention, present to each moment, fully knowing I could perish before finishing this poem.
Tai Chi Chuan, Supreme Ultimate Fist.
Swimming in air, silent snow blankets my soul.
Mind moves my center, eye of the storm, waves rolling toward shore.
Anchored under the heavens in concert with the north star I am Yellow Mountain; doing without doing, my spirit soars.
Essence, equilibrium, eternal spring.